Monday, 11 May 2009

Male Sex Stats

Some interesting sex statistics on the opposite sex:

50% of men share all of their sexual fantasies with their partner.
We assume the other 50% are wanking away to thoughts of your best friend or a menage a trois with you and your sister.

20% have told a woman they love her just to get laid
You dirty scoundrels although it begs the question why we would believe professions of absolute love on the first few dates?

23% of men have faked an orgasm during sex more than once
Lets hope its 20% of the above it would serve them right

19% of men have paid for sex at least once

11% of men don't masturbate
Now come on we all know that's just what you told the nice lady with the clipboard

1 comment:

Caitlyn said...

actually my husband says that he only masturbated once (at age 13) before we were married. I'm not sure why he made that decision, but I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth.

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