Bunnies, fish, dolphins, mice, hardly things that spring to mind when you are ruminating objects of masturbation, but there has long been a tradition of sex toys fashioned from cute characters to grab our attention. One woman's 'must have' is anothers cheesy and downright weird but these lovable vibrating chara
cters are certainly here to stay and here is our pick of the cutest.

1. Hello Kitty - The ultimate sex toy for those that wish to deny that they enjoy rubbing vibrating implements on their genitalia. The Hello Kitty Vibrator has to be a classic and we would probably suggest collectors item rather than practical sex toy. With more creases than Gordan ramsey's face there is a hygiene issue but if you love all that's cute and girly and the idea of masturbating with an iconic girl's toy floats your boat then Hello Kitty's for you.
2. I Rub My Duckie is the cute bath time accessory with hidden vibrator ability. An excuse to take long baths with plenty of bubbles and the door firmly locked. I Rub My Duckie would have got the top spot for practicality but doesn't quite have the cute factor for the number one vibrator slot.

3. Mini Mini Mouse from Doc Johnson has to be the sweetest little thing you have seen. Beady eyes and cute pointy ears. Don't be fooled though as this thing goes like stink. A clitoral vibrator as cute baby mouse, some might say strange we say its a turbo bullet in disguise, go with it.
4. Ramsey Rabbit from Rocks Off definitely my favourite sex toy in the cute category. Sweet and obliging with silicone ears to tantalise and tease. The vibrations are brilliant as Ramsey Rabbit is actually housing the RO 80mm bullet with all its clitoral vibrator potency.
5. Mini Dolphin Vibrator from Fun Factory doesn't immediately just out at you as the most novel of sex toys but its sleek silicone dolphin shape and smiley face does it for the cute factor. True to form with Fun Factory toys the Mini Dolphin is quiet and powerful so full points for practicality too.
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