Samantha Bachman (AKA The Vagina Doctor) has been travelling the globe for many years working on behalf women in third world countries in relation to vaginal hygiene, sex education and menstrual issues.
Her journey into Africa introduced her to the practice of female genital mutilation and so began her global action to bring attention to, and erase this barbaric practise.
What better way to grab our attention than with The Mango Juicer, a sex toy like no other, able to juice mango's and juice your mango with its effective G Spot curve to the tip. Its cunning disguise enables its transit into countries where religious and cultural belief prevents the use of sex toys and female masturbation.
Profits are donated to charities working towards eradicating the practice of female genital mutilation so a much worthy purchase for any supporter of human rights and juicing mango's.
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