Thursday, 15 October 2009

Pumping the PC Muscles

Eat 5 fruit and veg a day, exercise 3 times a week, Drink 6 glasses of water a day, the last thing we need is another piece of advice and another weekly chore in a lifestyle regime. Why bother exercising the Pelvic Floor muscles at all, they can't be seen and who the hell is going to benefit from all that work? Well if there is one thing that will benefit your sex life and continue a satisfying level of sensation during penetration and orgasm into your later years its the kegel exercise.

The PC Muscles form a figure of eight shape with one loop around the vagina and the other around the anus. These muscles tend to weaken with age (as all muscles do) and after childbirth when a considerable amount of pressure has been experienced on your pelvic area.

Every woman would benefit from kegel exercise and you don't need to don a lycra ensemble with designer trainers to work out, you can do them anywhere without anybody noticing. Use Funfactory Smartballs or Lelo Luna Beads at home for pleasurable kegel exercise or incorporate your pelvic squeeze into your sexual experience by making the point to tighten your muscles around your partners penis, your dildo or vibrator.

Here are some quick and easy 'anytime' pelvic floor exercisers, do them on the tube, bus or whilst driving to work they will pay dividends:

  • Locate your PC Muscles by tightening your muscles as you would if you were holding on to a wee or wind. Try to tighten the length of your under carriage from anus to tip of the clitoris.

  • Do a series of quick squeezes by clenching hard and releasing to the count of 3

  • Follow this pattern of pelvic squeeze for a repeat of 10, focusing on feeling the anal sphincter really tighten.

  • Slow down the pattern for a series of 5 long inhale/exhale clenches in time with a long breath, control the squeeze in both directions.

  • Remember to actually push the muscles out when releasing the squeeze as if bearing down.

  • Repeat this series of exercises every day on the way into and home from work and your orgasms will be stronger and penetration feel more pleasurable.

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