Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Sex toys & relationships

Let's face it; most women have enjoyed a relationship with a Rampant Rabbit, a Dildo or a Vibrator at some point in their sex lives. For some of us it's just an other experience to tick off the "Things to do before I'm 30" list. For others it's a satisfying self indulging no holds barred adventure with an array of fallacies none of which suffer with the Green Eyed Monster jealousy of mere mortals.
So if we enjoy our sex toys on our own should we introduce them to our human partners or should we keep quiet about it as we would about a past lover or an illicit affair? It would seem that the answer depends on your partner's outlook on sex toys. The general view of the traditional male is that plastic imitations of the reel thing are to be frowned upon and have no place in the home over which he presides! The 21st century man broader in his views on the modern world appears to take the view that variety is the spice of life and is less likely to be intimidated by a mechanical bedroom appliance which performs in ways his penis can't.Of course the ramifications of analysing sex toys and relationships are much further reaching than just man Vs machine, male gay relationships as a for instance tend to have a very liberal use of not just sex toys but also bondage items S&M and a variety of sex games. Lesbian relationships also tend to have user friendly attitude but are more personal and intimate about using them.Sex toys are used by women in every walk of life, mothers, students, legal and medical professionals, teachers, social workers, entertainers...The list goes on and with the exception of perhaps nuns all will probably embark on relationship with an other human being at some point. By this time your battery powered friend is much more than a penis substitute, it's an instrument with which you have explored the most intimate parts of your body and your psyche so why would you give it up for some body who could take years to discover those same erogenous nooks and crannies you've toiled so intensely to uncover?Use discretion! A male acquaintance was horrified when his new girlfriend produced a clitoral vibrator during their first sexual encounter together and asked "You don't mind if I use this?" He felt she deemed him not to be up for the job and never saw her again.Relationships are delicate intangible entities even without sex so with this addition they become even more so. The key as with most personal information about your self is not to give away too much too soon. Gauge your partner's sense of adventure in the sex department, if their idea of "experimenting" is doggy style preceded by some dutch courage then it's probably advisable to advance with caution and take things slowly.A good way to introduce your new partner to your love of sex toys is to suggest browsing the web for massage lotions or stimulant balms, if you get a positive reaction then moving onto the Vibrator section comes more natural and choosing something together is preferable to producing your own trusted companion and announcing "Here's one I prepared earlier"This technique is also a good ice breaker if you’re in a longer standing relationship and wish to spice up your sex life a little. Try browsing our own couples section to get an idea of what's available for those who want to keep up the enjoyment of their sex lives together.In conclusion. If all else fails there is no shortage of discreet Vibrators which can be easily carried around in your hand bag or pocket without the danger of being rumbled.In today's society if you're a single modern woman (age is irrelevant) who's time is so consumed by career, kids or social life that any non plutonic relationship would be more troublesome than orgasmic then you're probably expected to have a vibrator or two in your bed side table without having to make excuses for their existence, after all men have been putting their penises in blow up dolls for years.
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